I’m just checking in after too long of not blogging 🙁 The summer has been fun but between training, working out and taking care of a family I just haven’t had the time! So I’m back! This is a short post about a workout you can try.  To learn more about tabata training check this out https://keyfitnesstraining.com/tabata-training.

I’m planning on doing this with a group of clients tonight.  Let me know if you love it as much as they will.  :~)

Using a track or treadmill, set your interval timer for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest.  When the timer “buzzes” you run as fast as you can until the 20 seconds are up and then you can rest for 10 seconds.  Continue this for 8 rounds which is 4 minutes.  

At the end of this, you should feel dead.  During it, you should hate it (and me).

That’s all for now!