For all of you who do not get the movie reference in this post’s title, it is from the 1990’s movie Office Space. Office Space follows a set of characters who are fed up in their respective jobs. The “case of the Monday’s” is something said by an obnoxiously cheerful coworkers when the main character, Peter, is feeling tired, cranky and hating his job.





I think we all have “had a case of the Mondays” at some point regarding our fitness.   You might have eaten and drank a little too much over the weekend, didn’t get enough sleep or woke up late… Getting motivated to accomplish your workout on Monday can be rough.  When I wake up hating Monday, I like to change up my normal workout and try something either really difficult or completely different.


Here is a quick workout that fits both of those criteria!



Burpee Ladder


Complete the following reps.  If you are a beginner, stop at 10.   If you are more advanced, come back down the ladder.  If you are a beast, complete it twice! Record your time!

1 Burpee

2 Burpees

3  Burpees

4  Burpees

5  Burpees

6  Burpees

7  Burpees

8  Burpees

9  Burpees

10  Burpees