In Glamour Magazine there is a section called “Hey, It’s OK…”.  It is basically an article they run every month about feeling ok about things that you don’t usually share with anyone else.


It’s OK…

To not have to be perfect at everything.

To LOVE the electric blanket my kids got me for Christmas.

To think there is a heat wave when the temperature in our house gets above 68 degrees.

To really like the second half of Insanity.

To love when my clients accomplish something they never thought they could.

To love Long Hammer IPA…on tap at McCarthy’s 🙂

To not understand my daughter’s obsession with scissors but secretly think it’s cute!

To let go of a “solution” that actually made the situation worse in the long run.

To love the cheesy Facebook posts about fitness motivation.

To be happy with everything in my life even though it sometimes bothers other people.