Last blog post I told all of you (or Y’all) that I was going to share 5 tips on moving more throughout the day. I’m sure all of you have different ways to get moving but here are mine.

1. Drink more water.

It sounds dumb but honestly, after two kids and multiple UTI’s, when I gotta go, I go! This is non-negotiable for me. Having one kidney makes me a little on edge about a UTI traveling into that kidney. It’s not worth the risk to “hold it”. So drink more water, feel the urge to go and walk to the furthest bathroom from your desk!

2.Be less efficient

This one is going to kill my husband! He thrives on efficiency. He literally chooses parking spaces based on how many turns we will have to do to get back on the street! That is NOT me. I try to park as far away from the store as possible and then zigzag to the entrance.  If you are walking from the kid’s room to the laundry room, take the long way. Need to bring in those groceries? Take 1 or 2 bags at a time. Instead of loading up your arms in some grocery bag feat of strength contest!

3. Be accountable

I actually didn’t realize this about myself until the last Fitbit challenge I held on Facebook. Knowing that every night I had to report my step total for the day gave me a little push to get in those last few steps. So find a walking partner or just someone who can hold you accountable. Maybe join our step challenge!

4. Don’t bring a chair to your kid’s sporting events.

This one is hard for me. I just want to plot down in my chair, half paying attention until my kid is up to bat…or pitching. BUT if there is no option of sitting then I am obviously forced to stand and even walk around between innings.

5. Attach the Fitbit to your dog and let him free!

Just kidding.  If you have a dog, go for a walk with it instead of letting it out in the yard.  I try to convince my family to walk around the block at night but I need to be a little more convincing on that one.  It’s getting darker earlier now so if I walk after the sun goes down I make sure to use the sidewalks.  The only downfall is the HUGE toads that use the sidewalk as a toad superhighway at night.  Stepping on a toad… Ewwwwwwww.

So there you have it.  Nothing magical about it really.  Pick ONE thing to try.  I’m going to try to drink more water and see how that helps.

What are you going to try? It can be your own idea too! Tell me in the comments below.